Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hey, moon. [Lessons from my freshman year]

It's been a long and slow year, but at the same time, the year is ending faster and faster. I've learned a lot from my first year in high school and these are some:

- Cramming is not good
- But at the same time, cramming is okay. You get the work done anyway
- Procrastination is revolution. Don't procrastinate
- Be the responsible and mature one. Yeah right.
- Don't tell the younger kids to do bad stuff when they're older (drugs, alcohol, party)
- Don't forget to memorize the Bible verse of the month.
- I realized how much I want a British classmate
- It's more likely for you to sleep during class when you're sitting at the very back
- Math is a serious class so I shouldn't laugh when the answer is a funny number
- Talking back does no good
- Blogging calms you down. I think it's therapeutic.
- Be careful of who you're talking to. You never know if they're watching every move your body makes
- My name is Bronson
- Stay young
- Have faith like potatoes
- Have faith like Power Pops
- Watching videos before the lesson can make me sleepy
- Be quiet when lining up for History class
- Don't act tough in PE. I just stood up during dodge ball and I lasted pretty long
- Take risks
- Fangirling during class = not the best idea
- Don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose (Obviously, I am kidding)
- Look at my life. Look at my choices.
- I don't know how to end this blog


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bullying is bad

So obviously, this entry will be about bullying. And I know most of you people reading this know that bullying is bad. Duh.
I think that bullying is useless. I, myself have been bullied before.
When I was in the first grade, I wasn't in VCS. When I was in the first grade, I have never been bullied. Why? Because my old school was VCS. (We had no bullies back then because we were still a small school. Plus, there wasn't any Grade 7 or High School. We only had up to Grade 5.)
Anyway, in the first grade, I was a new student and I didn't have much friends. I remember one kid who was my seatmate and he had an obsession with Filmore (the cartoon). (I think he looks like Richmond, and my other seatmate looks like Thirdy R.) The Filmore-obsessed seatmate was the kid who bullied me. Not only me, but most of the people in class were bullied by that kid too.
This kid would punch me if we disagree on something. The only way to calm him down was to draw Filmore and show it to him. But unfortunately, sometimes it doesn't work. He would constantly yell at me and my teacher would try to stop him.
I remember that he was very emotional, too. He would cry every time he doesn't get the lesson. *rolls eyes*
I never told my parents about him bullying me, and I regretted that.
He stopped bullying me at the end of the second quarter (I think). How'd he stop? The teacher moved him to a different seat. Thank God.

But the bullying didn't end there. I went back to VCS the next school year.
When I was grade 5, there was a bully in the school. He was 2 years older than me and Ken and I were even bus mates with him.
You guys know that hand thing that you do and if someone looks at it, you have to punch them? Yeah, he kinda took that seriously since he was in the 7th grade.
Being the naive 5th grader, I'd always fall for that and he would punch me very very hard. Not just me, he'd punch Ken, too - harder.
We would suffer the hard punches every time we have a ride home.
Not just that, he would even make fun of what I'm wearing! WHAT KIND OF GUY DOES THAT? I mean, SERIOUSLY?
The only times that he wouldn't bully me is if he's not there or he's too busy talking to our other bus mate.
He stopped bullying me... after he graduated.
I see him nowadays whenever I go to the mall with some old classmates. Now he says sorry all the time and he regrets that he was a bully back then.

It's just like this: Calling someone ugly doesn't make you any prettier. Right?
People who bully you are either jealous of you, insecure, or they must be having personal/family problems. So pray for them.
You never know, it may be something worse than the personal/family problems.
...Maybe it's a psychological problem idk.
I have a billion things more to say, like my brother picking fights in class, being a bully myself, and my fat fingers but omg I'm inaantok.
What I learned from being a victim of bullying? Being punched in the arm is painful. So don't bully. The End.